CogNovo offers a choice of 12 focused research projects, based at and funded by Plymouth University. Students will be supervised by a multidisciplinary team of experts and will benefit from the CogNovo programme of intensive workshops. University studentships are open to all and include full Home/EU tuition fees and an annual stipend.
Investigate the neurobiological basis for creativity, exploring how biological tendencies or temperament may shape the creative personality. (more)
Investigate the 'Eureka' moment, using experimental observations of unconscious problem solving in architectual design (more)
Build a neural system that learns a conceptual hierarchy of (sound-)objects, autonomously searches the underlying conceptual space, and presents the retrieved associative concept-sequence audio-visually (more)
Investigate how people use alternatives to reality in order to deceive whilst also examining the mechanisms that underlie this relationship. (more)
Investigating the role of personality traits and arousal factors on moral decision making and the moral action and judgement disparity. (more)
Exploring learning about non-informative cues and how this relates to measures of creative thinking. (more)
Explore prosodic markers for sociability, engagement and trust in human and robot speech (more)
This research is using an ontological history of intimacy to understand structural issues in the phenomenology of affect and emotion in scientific and media discourses. (more)
This study will use contact sheets as evidence of cognitive processes in particular some aspects of decision making and shared theories of mind and a thinking in action in a dynamic world. (more)
Investigate ways to promote the exchange of ideas between scientists, artists and other stakeholders without loss of depth, subtlety or nuance to facilitate the identification and prioritisation of new research topics and concerns (more)
A novel idea for the creation of an intelligent interface that allows the remote control of arbitrary complex robotic morphologies by translating intuitive human behaviours into purposeful robotic actions. (more)