Michael Straeubig

Project: Designing Playful Systems in Mixed Reality

Investigate the nature of play in a practice-based manner by designing and developing playful systems in mixed reality.


Michael Straeubig is a game designer / creative coder exploring games and playful experiences in various media.

Selected Projects

Mobile Location based Multiplayer experience (in development as part of my PhD)
Mobile Location based Multiplayer experience (in development as part of my PhD)
Secret City Season I: Missing Max
Mobile Location Based / Augmented-Reality Game, Game Design, Content Production
Gardening Guerilla / (Speed)
Outdoor Games, Game Design
Theatrical Interactions, Theater Erlangen, Play Design / Development
20000 Nanometers Under the Sea
Mixed-Reality Game, Game Design / Development
Eine Gegen Eine
Experimental Card Game, Initiator / Co-Game Design
Tidy City
Location Based Game, Game Design
Large scale Event Game, Game Design
Event Game, Game Design
Grand Tour 1765
Board Game, Game Design
Grand Tour
Large Scale Outdoor Event Game, Game Design


  • Guest Lecturer MOOC “The Future of Storytelling“ Episode 6: Location Based / Augmented Reality Games, Fachhochschule Potsdam
  • Lecturer „Gödel, Escher, Bach“ , Leuphana University of Lüneburg
  • Lecturer „Introduction to Creative Coding“, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
  • Lecturer „Game Design Basics“, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
  • Seminar „Location Based Games“, Media Design Hochschule München
  • Seminar „Minimizing Games“, University of Augsburg

Workshops / Conferences / Talks / Festivals / Gamejams / Hackathons

MediaCity 5 Conference, playin’ Siegen, Malta Festival Poznan, Fascinate Cornwall, Making The City Playable Conference, Bristol, Playpublik Krakow, Prototype Dublin, Gamecity und Mixed Reality Game Design Workshop at the University of Nottingham, The Exposition of Practice as Research Workshop Plymouth, Researching Games, Wiesbaden, Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts, London, Come out and Play, New York, International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality, Munich, AR World, Leuphana Hyperkult, Droidcon Berlin, Droidcon Tunis, Quo Vadis Deutsche Gamestage, Researching Games, Gamescamp Munich, Mobile Camp Dresden, Fraunhofer FIT TOTEM Summerschool, Wherecamp, Photonic Camp, Sigint, Easterhegg, Gulaschprogrammiernacht, 29C3, 30C3, Weilburger Spielautorentagung, Medienkongress Köln, Ludum Dare, Global Game Jam, Music Hackday Berlin, Amsterdam, Google IO ADK Showcase Finalist, Devfest Berlin / vHack Android, You Are Go! , Arena / Klangtapete, Playpublic / Klangtapete, Placcc Festival Budapest, Battlehack Berlin, w00t Kopenhagen

Initiator and Co-Organisator of the First German Location of the Global Game Jam 2009


  • Wetzel, R., Blum, L., Feng, F., Oppermann, L. & Straeubig, M., (2011). Tidy City: A location-based game for city exploration based on user-created content. In: Eibl, M. (Hrsg.), Mensch & Computer 2011: überMEDIEN|ÜBERmorgen. München: Oldenbourg Verlag. (S. 487-496).
  • „Die dunkle Seite der Medaille: Bestrafung als Gestaltungselement in Spielen“ (in publication)
  • „Spiele als Belohnungssysteme“
    in: Merkle, Conrad, Friese, et al. (Hrsg.) „Spiele Entwickeln 2011“, Pro Business Verlag, Berlin, 2011
  • „Tractatus logico-ludoricus“
    in: Merkle, Conrad, Friese, et al. (Hrsg.) „Spiele Entwickeln 2010“, Pro Business Verlag, Berlin, 2010
  • „Spiel ohne Spielanleitung“
    in: Merkle, Conrad, Friese, et al. (Hrsg.) „Spiele Entwickeln 2009“, Pro Business Verlag, Berlin, 2009
  • „Minimal spielbare Spiele als Denkanstoß und als Methode“
    in: Merkle, Conrad, Friese, et al. (Hrsg.) „Spiele Entwickeln 2008“, Pro Business Verlag, Berlin, 2008


  • FAU - Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg — Informatik (Computer Science), Academic degree: Diplom-Informatiker, Exchange Student at University of Kansas / Lawrence
  • Universität Regensburg — Law
  • Goethe Gymnasium Regensburg (High School), Degree: Abitur