CogNovo research fellow Kathryn B. Francis is presenting "Sensorimotor Personal Force in Moral Decision-Making" at the UK Sensory Motor Conference on 8 JUN 2016 at the Newcastle University. Her talk summarizes results from the research she is doing in the CogNovo PhD project "Moral cognition: An interdisciplinary investigation of judgement versus action".
Moral decision-making has largely focused on assessing moral judgments in text-based paradigms but recently, questions have arisen asking how these moral judgments might translate into moral actions. Virtual Reality paradigms now offer a way of investigating simulations of moral actions. In this presentation, I explore the haptic component of simulated moral actions; what happens when moral actions begin to not only look real, but feel real?
The UK Sensory Motor conference is an opportunity for researchers with backgrounds in neuroscience, computational neuroscience and also human motor control, movement rehabilitation, neural prosthetics, animal physiology (and much more) to come together and present their latest research. This year, the conference was held at the Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University.