
Scientific Speed Dating CogNovo office in Link Building 3rd floor

7-10 April 2014

Induction Week

The first chance for our CogNovians to meet each other and be introduced to the University, Plymouth City and the wilds of Cornwall

To see photo's of the week visit the Scrapbook or YouTube

CogNovo Induction Programme

Monday, 7 April 2014

Venue: Link 3rd floor

Time Topic Speaker
10:00 Welcome
Meet the Cognition Institute … Research speed dating
12:00 Lunch
14:00– 17:00 Poster workshop Martyn Woodward
Amanda Egbe

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Venue: Link 3rd floor

Time Topic Speaker
10:00 Research talks:
15 min talks + 15 min questions and discussion
Random selection of 6 speakers
CogNovo Fellows
13:00 Lunch
14:00– 17:00 Poster workshop Martyn Woodward
Amanda Egbe

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Venue: Link 3rd floor and PSQ red chairs (cooking)

Time Topic Speaker
10:00-13.00 Research talks:
15 min talks + 15 min questions and discussion
Random selection of 6 speakers
CogNovo Fellows
18:00 International cooking evening

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Venue: Link 3rd floor and PSQ red chairs (cooking)

Time Topic Speaker
10:00-13.00 Research talks:
15 min talks + 15 min questions and discussion
Random selection of 6 speakers
CogNovo Fellows
14:00-17:00 Tour of marine facility and the city Martin Coath